Monday 15 December 2008

Tracks Music

I wrote about JB HIFI and its inhabitants a few weeks ago. Tracks Music is a much smaller and more "specialised" shop. While JB has roughly 700 employees trekking around a vast yellow cavern, Tracks has about two old men (I say old, but they could be anywhere between the ages of 30 to 60. I can't tell) that never set foot from behind the desk.

The clientele are different too. The typical Tracks customer will be a slightly overweight long-haired male, accompanied by a skinny, pimple-faced boy. They will be after the latest Bloodchurn album 'Born of the Devil Inside', which the dry man at the counter will spend 20 minutes searching for on the "system". He won't find it but will know, off the top of his head, that the album was released in America the previous week and that the stuff Bloodchurn singer Maxx Von Gurber did with Elephant Spermicide was better anyway. The two customers will then browse the 'alternative/prog-grindcore' section spouting bits of trivia to each other about every CD they pick up. After an hour they leave with nothing, but that's OK because they'll be back the next day.

P.S. I thought I'd made up the band 'Bloodchurn' but Google informed me that there is a band with that name and they sound exactly as I imagined them to! Here's their Myspace.


Alexander said...

Excellent! Music Without Frontiers next, please.

Anonymous said...

You forgot about the huge classical basement downstairs at Tracks, where the old people go to hide from the aforementioned Tracks customers.

JK said...

That's absolutely awesome leather! I love that about the 2 dry old men behind the counter :P:p:P:p:P searching fruitlessly through the computer. They totally do that there.

The Borg said...

Ha ha! Spot on!

Jonny said...

What about John Cusack. Have you even seen him in a music store?

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Der, what have you done? Tracks is closing down!

Cabernet Leather said...

Oh really? Woops!

The Librarian said...

Do we get a review of some songs on conference? E.g Amazing Grace in the "different" style - or godly man crush?

Cabernet Leather said...

Hmm, I probably shouldn't "review" that version of Amazing Grace - it might end up a bit slanderous. I might post about Godly ManCrush when it gets recorded.