Wednesday 5 November 2008


I was trying to think of bands with the word "black" in the title, and I realised that nearly all the ones I thought of were quite similar. They all have psychedelic tendencies with strong roots in the 70s. Black Sabbath (of course), The Black Crowes, Black Rebel Motorcycle Club, The Black Keys, The Black Angels, Black Mountain, Black Lips...

Why do you think that is? Maybe the use of the word "black" by these bands is an ironic (or even, a sincere) take on something "cool" or "dark"; very rock n roll.


Anonymous said...

Black flag is another that comes to mind, and a few other black metal acts (unsurprisingly).

My impression is that it's more about "cool" than "dark" with most of these bands.

Cabernet Leather said...

Hi Deeksy,

Yeah I thought there'd be a few metal bands using the word black.

Ben Walter said...

Black Eyed Peas mess up your theory. So do Black Eyed Susans.

Perhaps Black Eyes are an exception?

Cabernet Leather said...

Yeah I was hoping no one mentioned the Black Eyed Peas. That does discredit my theory a little.

Black eye's are indeed, an exception.

Alexander said...

Then there's Big Black, who were kind of like psychedelic crazy punk.

Also interesting are those bands who use all (or predominantly) black on their covers: Velvet Underground, Metallica, The Monks...