Friday 7 November 2008

Classic Albums That Are Not Classic

Elton John - Goodbye Yellow Brick Road

I've been trying to enjoy this album for about 5 years and haven't managed to do so. I remember buying it under the impression that it was "one of the best albums of all time" or some sort of nonsense like that. There are some songs on it that I like - The first four on the album, particularly the title track, but most of the others are so-so at best. At worst, they are clunky, daggy, over-produced piano rockers. The whole album doesn't sound like it has stood the test of time. It has moments of greatness and moments of yuck; this is best summarised by listening to 'This song has no title' - a beautiful verse ruined by a dreadful, out-of-place chorus.

I reckon this was the logic used by music critics when reviewing this album:
Elton John has some classic songs
therefore Elton John is "classic".
Goodbye Yellow Brick Road is Elton John's best album
therefore Goodbye Yellow Brick Road is a "classic album"

Hardly a sound argument.


Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

I was just about to disagree with you when I realised that I only know the first four songs. The title track and 'Benny and the Jets' are particularly awesome, but I guess that a coupla awesome songs does not a classic album make. Surely every classic album has at least one or two filler tracks, though?

Cabernet Leather said...

"Surely every classic album has at least one or two filler tracks, though?"

Nah, I must disagree. Sure, there will be songs that were not big hits but most classic albums - at least the ones I like, are full of songs that contribute to the album. Where's the filler in 'Rubber Soul', 'Ziggy Stardust' or even 'The Bends'?

Plenty of people like Goodbye Yellow though... I'd be interested in your opinion of the rest of the album. You can borrow it if you like?

Alexander said...

I'm going to probably offend Pablo here, and this wasn't asked for, but your next in this series should be Sgt. Peppers.

Cabernet Leather said...

No way, I couldn't possibly bring myself to post that. Although, I'll admit, I think 'Getting Better' and 'Being for the benefit of Mr Kite' are pretty close to being filler songs. The rest of the album is awesome.

Alexander said...

Compare it to Abbey Road, The White Album, Revolver or Rubber Soul.

The concept is wtf (from Wikipedia: "Before beginning work on Sgt. Pepper, the Beatles had begun to work on a series of songs that were to form an album thematically linked to childhood and everyday life. The first fruits of this exercise - "Penny Lane" and "Strawberry Fields Forever" were released as a double-A single after EMI and Epstein pressured George Martin for a released single. Once the singles were released the concept was abandoned in favour of 'Pepper'. However, traces of this initial idea survive in the lyrics to several songs on the album ("A Day in the Life", "Lovely Rita", "Good Morning, Good Morning", "She's Leaving Home", "Getting Better", and "When I'm Sixty-Four") and it could be argued provide more of a unifying theme for the album than that of the Pepper concept itself."), and imagine how much better the album would be with those two songs in it.

Fixing a Hole is filler, She's Leaving Home is dreary, Within You Without You is unnecessary, Lovely Rita sounds like it was cobbled together out of other Beatles songs, and did we really need two versions of the title track?

The definition of a classic album that is not classic.

*Sits back*

Cabernet Leather said...

You make a compelling argument... but I still like Sgt Pepper's. It's certainly not perfect, and I much prefer Abbey Road, Rubber Soul, Revolver... but I think most of the songs are good, even if the theme is pointless. I can't help but like 'Fixing a Hole' and 'Lovely Rita' in particular.
I think the album is pretty unified in its sound.

I can see your point though.

Renae said...

I like the "one night only" live album. Elton John IS classic! I haven't read all of the comments, but I saw something in there about the Beatles, and I'd like to say that they are classic too. Perhaps we need to define classic! ;)

Cabernet Leather said...

The vague definition of "classic" that I'm working with is something that's almomst unanimously praised and has stood the test of time, something that is still listened to and that most assume will be listened to in the future.

The Beatles are certainly classic!

Unknown said...

I like this album, probably because of the cheesy camp. I think the Rolling Stone list overrates it though.

Unknown said...

Der, I just noticed one of your questions here.

The fillers on Ziggy Stardust are It Ain't Easy and Star. Hope this helps.

Alexander said...

No way JML, there's no filler on that killer.

Unknown said...

I'm going to have to disagree with you: it's a great album and they are both pretty good rock songs, but they aren't at the same level of quality as the rest of the album.

Alexander said...

Of course you're entitled to your opinion. But you'd be wrong ;)